Monday, November 22, 2010

Philippine Women's College of Davao
University Avenue Matina, Davao City

Brief History of The Philippine Women’s College of Davao

            The Philippine Women’s College of  Davao was founded in 1953 by the late Dr. Conrado Benitez and Dr. Francisca Tirona Benitez. They were motivated by the concern by the concern to bring the  Filipino Muslim and tribal women into the mainstream of national life. Thus PWC opened its door to the women of Mindanao allowing each one to grow and be faithful to her own cultural tradition. The PWC was also an answer to a clamor of PWU alumnae in Mindanao who had seen the need for the kind of institution that can serve the plural needs of a multicultural society in the southern island.

          At the same time, the founders were concerned with spiritual development and the building up of moral character, civic conscience, competence in the professions and vocations, and love of country within an independent Republic of the Philippines.

          It is in the spirit of crusade, therefore, that one enters into the PWC family. It has a mission to strengthen the citizenry of our Republic in every way. The  concept of “Bayanihan” – working together – an old concept but ever new, gathers new force each time people work cooperatively for the highest ideals, whether it be on the small community level, or in the context of national and international affairs.

          Only through such efforts can Filipinos contribute their share toward the attainment of the goal of a democratic Republic enjoying liberty and social justice for its people.

          It is a legacy that this institution is proud to inherit from its founders and with the help of God, to pass on to the educable youth, from generation to generation.


We envision a graduate who is God-loving, academically competent, civic conscious, environmentally and socially concerned, globally competitive and committed to the promotion of peace.


To Educate           according to the four-fold objective of inculcating good moral character and personality, training for home and family life, preparing for vocation or profession, and developing aptitude for community participation and leadership.

To Contribute      through research and continuous interaction with the community, to the enhancement of the spiritual, social and economic life in the country and the world at large.

To Lead                through pioneering in the field of gender education, in the opening of new avenues towards the expansion of knowledge and opportunities, fostering of humanism and understanding, while conserving the wisdom and ideals of the ages and integrating the valuable inheritance of Filipino person hood.

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