Monday, November 22, 2010

Library Objectives:

            The role of PWC is to aid in fulfilling the objectives and mission statement of the school. The library is charged specifically with the responsibility of serving the needs of its faculty and students. Therefore, this policy has the following objectives :

  1. To provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, considering the various interest, abilities and maturity level of students.
  1. To provide materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literacy appreciation, aesthetic values, ethical standards and love of reading.
  1. To provide a background of information which will enable the students to make an intelligent judgment in their daily life.
  1. To provide materials on controversial issues so that the students may develop under guidance the practice of critical and analytical reading and thinking.
  1. To provide materials representing the many religions, ethnic and cultural group.
  1. To provide the students the best quality of materials to ensure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the said users.

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